Q: How do I pay for shipping?
A: Once we've confirmed your order and payment, we will calculate the shipping estimate and send an invoice to pay shipping separately. We use Venmo or CashApp to collect fees for shipping.
Q: How long does shipping take?
A: For domestic orders, it will normally take 2-4 business days.
Q: Do you ship Internationally?
A: No we don't ship internationally.
Q: Is your website secure with my personal information?
A: Absolutely! We use SSL security to ensure all your personal information is encrypted. We do not store your credit card information and it will be used one-time only upon purchasing of your product. Then your credit card information will be purged.
Q: How do I order on your website?
A: Simply find the product you'd want and click the 'Add To Cart' button. Fill in your shipping and billing information and we'll have your order shipped to you as soon as possible!
Q: Does Give Joy Cookie Co. provide a quality guarantee for all the products being sold?
A: Absolutely, if you do not like the product or find damages to the product, contact us immediately! We do all we can to ensure your best shopping experience. You can simply contact us and we'll get it addressed!
Q: Do you offer a refund if I don't like the product?
A: We don’t offer refund right now.